Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Spectacular Seniors: Cynthia Dunn

Cynthia Dunn had lots of personal experience with dementia through her grandmother and then her parents. She decided to specialize in this training and help other care givers. She rightly points out that the professional staff usually focuses on the patient, not the relatives who must deal with these problems, often without training. They usually have no breaks from the problems; they are on call 24/7. Her agency, Choice Dementia, offers some creative ways to provide care in conjunction with the care from doctors and counselors.

If you would like to know more about this agency, please go to: http://choicedementia.ca

If you like this podcast please leave a rating, subscribe or contact us with your comments. Know other spectacular seniors who can speak well? Let us know and I will interview then too. contact@spectacularsenior.com

Cynthia Dunn

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Spectacular Seniors: Wendy Foster

Wendy Foster, empowering coach

Wendy has a very inspiring story. Often referred as the "Energizer Bunny", Wendy infects you with her unbridled passion and enthusiasm and demonstrates the power of positive attitudes for both yourself and your team/associates. It's easy to see how Wendy reports that her clients report a decrease in stress and illness and an increase in joy and productivity.

Wendy Foster's methods for improving lives, both personally and professionally, are incredibly effective, yet also simple and easy to apply.  As a play expert, Wendy relates to the heart and soul of companies, such as Google, whose founders built the organization around the idea that work should be challenging but fun. Wendy's presentations link the art and science of play to success in life and business. 

She is also the CEO of the G.E.M. Project (Giving Empowering Moments), which is a global movement for gratitude, acknowledgement, giving, receiving and paying it forward. 

Want to see more? Go to this site:  https://www.espeakers.com/marketplace/speaker/profile/28475/Wendy-Foster?resumeSearch=0

                                 attending a Women's Speakers Association Conference

Check out this episode!